Some of the coolest snowboard ideas... Check it out.
The Latest happenings from your local Snopark Team... @thomparkshaper @neilparkshaper
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Signal snowboards..
13th August SHRED! Freestyle Camps at SNO!park MK..

Whether your new to freestyle riding or just looking progress your tricks further, SHRED! camps are for you!
The courses take place on the quieter evenings of the week to ensure you get maximum runs and a private terrain park. We find this helps for a more chilled out less stressed learning experience.
The parks are designed with progression in mind, Usually consisting of a box and gas pipe or rail and a kicker.
The Course is £60 for 3 hours (7pm-10pm) and SCUK members benifit from a %10 discount.
For more info and bookings check out the SNO!zone Events page....
Milton Keynes,
parkshaper blog,
Monday, 30 July 2012
This weeks park plan SNO!park MK..

The next hit down is the round bar and the rocket pipe and
to finish we have the flat box and gas pipe..
On the opposite slope we have the battleship box and gas
pipe and The Nike Stair set Rail.
Milton Keynes,
park strife,
SNO park,
SNO zone,
Monday, 23 July 2012
This weeks park plan SNO!park Mk..

On the right hand slope we have the shotgun down bar and a
side hit gas pipe followed by a kicker and a rocket pipe.
Moving down the slope we have the donkey kinked rail and the
giant gas pipes.
And to finish the run we have the lamp post rail and the
flat box.
We are still running our Summer of park setups too.
The park will be open every day from 12pm till close,
So come on down and have a shred in the day.
Milton Keynes,
park plan,
summer of love
MK spring 2012 Edit..
The latest edit from the SNO!park Mk (Devil Dogs crew), Edited by Rob Stronach .
MK Spring 2012 from Rob Stronach on Vimeo.
Includes riding from Connor Gould, Callum Waller and Gazza Andrews all tearing up the park at SNO!park Milton Keynes..
MK Spring 2012 from Rob Stronach on Vimeo.
devil dogs,
gazza andrews,
Milton Keynes,
send it,
SNO zone,
SHRED! freestyle coaching SNO!zone Mk.
for a while, Can competently turn down the piste, perhaps tried some switch riding and
basic flatland moves and looking to progress further onto hitting boxes/rails and kickers.
We like to run our courses on the quieter evenings at SNO!zone MK and we use a special
private park setup. This is because we feel this is a better way to learn and progress your
freestyle riding with out the pressure of other riders on the busier nights.
The courses are priced at £60 for 3 hours.
SCUK members get a 10% discount..
The dates for the rest of the year are as follows..
August 13th and
October 8th and
November 12th and
December 3rd
To book Email- or Phone- 0871 222 5673
More info can be found on the SNO!zone Website.
Milton Keynes,
WAOTP SNO!park MK round up..
Last Friday at SNO!park Milton Keynes was the return of the every popular Who's Afraid of the Park coaching event.
Freestyle Skiers and Boarders of all abilities flocked to SNO!park Mk to get some freestyle tips from some of the UKs top riders.
The event was a great success and the slope was packed with all levels of riders.
At each feature was a SNO!zone freestyle coach and at least one of there sponsored team members providing on the spot coaching to everyone who passed through.
The park was designed for all abilities with plenty of easier rider on features which are perfect for learning and perfecting tricks , as well as some tougher bigger features like the rainbow and side hit gas pipes..

Jools Smith has taken some great photos which can been seen on his Flickr page..
If you attended the night and would like to leave some feedback to the coaches or would like to keep upto date with SNO!zone events then why not visit the Facebook page..
Freestyle Skiers and Boarders of all abilities flocked to SNO!park Mk to get some freestyle tips from some of the UKs top riders.
The event was a great success and the slope was packed with all levels of riders.
At each feature was a SNO!zone freestyle coach and at least one of there sponsored team members providing on the spot coaching to everyone who passed through.
The park was designed for all abilities with plenty of easier rider on features which are perfect for learning and perfecting tricks , as well as some tougher bigger features like the rainbow and side hit gas pipes..

Jools Smith has taken some great photos which can been seen on his Flickr page..

If you attended the night and would like to leave some feedback to the coaches or would like to keep upto date with SNO!zone events then why not visit the Facebook page..
Milton Keynes,
parkshaper blog,
whos afraid of the park
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
This weeks Park Plan at SNO!park MK- Who's Afraid of the Park.
Friday the 20th of July from 7pm – 10pm is the return of Who’s Afraid of the Park at SNO!park Milton Keynes.
The evening will be a fun filled evenings shred all based on freestyle progression.
The park will consist of features for all abilities, From those who are looking to try freestyle for the first time to those who are looking to progress there tricks further.
On slope freestyle coaches will be scattered around the features offering hints and tips to each rail or kicker.
As well as our team of coaches some of the SNO!zone sponsored team riders will also
be on hand to talk you through your moves.
Vans and Ride team rider Chris Chatt and
Protest and Head team rider Becky Menday as well as local legends Alex, Walshy and Kat and the young guns Will Gilmore and Skyla Baily will all be around to help you out..
On the main slope there will be the orange pipe and the black pipe moving down to a kicker and another pipe.
To follow will be the flat box and the rainbow box and to end the smaller flat box and battle ship box.
The Nike Stairset and the donkey dick and side hit gas pipe will be on the other slope.
So loads of features to progress and learn on.
There are very limited spaces so pre book your space now .
The First 20 to Pre-book will receive a limited edition Who’s Afraid of the Park T-shirt.
Adults £32 and Juniors £25
To pre-book please call 0871 222 5670

Milton Keynes,
SNO park,
SNO zone,
snow park,
whos afraid of the park
Vans X Skateboarder magazine..
If you like Vans and you skate then youll love this little edit by Skateboarder magazine.
Its to celebrate the new Skateboarder mag and Vans Collaboration skate shoes.
Check out these skateboarding legends discussing skateboarding from back in the day..
Its to celebrate the new Skateboarder mag and Vans Collaboration skate shoes.
Check out these skateboarding legends discussing skateboarding from back in the day..
Grindhouse Prequel: B-side..
Here is the sick B-side Prequel edit for the Grindhouse crew..
Prequel: B-Side from 9 Milli Media on Vimeo.
Featuring the riding of Gareth Andrews, Pat Hobson, Ben Wall, Si Foster, Tom Honey, Jonny Russell, Ollie Dutton, Will Smith, Oliver Waters, Matt Macwhirter, Andy Nudds, John Weatherley.
Presented by 9 Milli Media & The Snowboard Asylum
Supported by: Academy, Apo, Artec, Bonfire, Burton, Celtek, Dalikfodda, Forum, Head, K2, Lobster, Nike 6.0, Salomon, Skullcandy & Vans.
Filmed during the 2011 season in Bear Mountain, Lake Tahoe and Canada.
Prequel: B-Side from 9 Milli Media on Vimeo.
bear mountain,
for boarders by boarders,
lake tahoe,
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
FBBB Gopro2 Summer of Love Edit..

Feat team riders: Ross Needham, Ollie Dutton, Gareth Andrews, Thom Boddington, Neil Campbell, Chris Chatt, Tom Guilmard, Jake Terry, Becky Menday and Calum Paton (guest appearance - Sam Dearne)
Special thanks to Gopro courtesy of
FBBB Gopro2 'summer of love' launch mini shred - SNO!zone, Milton Keynes from For Boarders by Boarders on Vimeo.
for boarders by boarders,
max presky,
SNO park,
SNO zone,
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
This Week at SNO!park Mk...
This week at SNO!park Mk on the left hand slope we have the
two rookie boxes, The battleship and the rainbow box. Then again we have The
Nike stair set rail.
On the other slope we have the donkey kink and the orange
rail moving down we have a gas pipe stall and a pair of down gas pipes.
Then we have a kicker and a raised box and pipe..
boarders boarders,
Milton Keynes,
nike stair set rail,
parkshaper blog,
SNO park,
SNO zone,
snow park,
Fivers for Tranny's at SNO!zone Castleford Friday 13th June..
On Friday the 13th of July, Castleford Sno!Zone will host a host a snowboard session which will pit shredders against a unique course designed in a collaboration between Jonny Russell, Tom Guilmard, Will Smith and Thrashmore.
They will build the closest approximation we can to a skate bowl on a downhill slope. The course includes TRANNYS, gaps, jibs, hits and burmed corners (see picture!).
There will be no registration, no bibs, no entrance fee and no start marshalls. win CASH for snowboarding like a BOSS! Choose your line and impress the judges with clean riding and 'out of the box' thinking and win a grubby fiver right there and then!
They will have three judges. If two judges give your run a nod, you get that fiver on the spot. A couple of decent lines and your petrol is paid for. A few decent runs and so are the beers! Riders are not against each other, rather all are against the course. The judges will especially favour new lines and different gaps or stepping up the tricks. if you take the same line as the guy before you only need to throw in a spin over that gap to keep the cash rolling.
With 500 quid donated by the rad guys at Monster, in used, non-sequential (untraceable) five pound notes, the cash prizes will become available as soon as the first rider drops in. Because the features are likely to take a beating, there will be no warm up and the comp is done when we either run out of prizes, the course falls down or the world ends.
Because of the format, its up to you guys how you go. If the course turns into a texas deathmatch, the judges will do their best to watch as much as possible, but some stuff might get missed. It will be RAD though!
Also, the event is to be covered by The Reason Magazine and we will have filmers and photographers literally everywhere, so as well as winning STUFF, we can make you famous for snowboarding dangerously.
Stomp something extra gnarly to win a special spot prize. we have Lobster boards, hoodies and tshirts, dalikfodda hats and tshirts and some awesome Vans product and 32 outerwear! Do something lame to win a scotch egg or a porn magazine (a copy of forty plus, kindly donated by jamie nicholls).
The top rider over the whole night will win the "best tranny 2012" award, which is likely to be a shit 80s trophy in fake gold and marble. DAMN!!
They will update the event over the coming days as we have some even more extra special stuff planned, so watch this space for extra prize categories for EUROCARVING and hopefully getting a band on the snow during the event.
Check out the event page on Facebook Here...
They will build the closest approximation we can to a skate bowl on a downhill slope. The course includes TRANNYS, gaps, jibs, hits and burmed corners (see picture!).
There will be no registration, no bibs, no entrance fee and no start marshalls. win CASH for snowboarding like a BOSS! Choose your line and impress the judges with clean riding and 'out of the box' thinking and win a grubby fiver right there and then!

With 500 quid donated by the rad guys at Monster, in used, non-sequential (untraceable) five pound notes, the cash prizes will become available as soon as the first rider drops in. Because the features are likely to take a beating, there will be no warm up and the comp is done when we either run out of prizes, the course falls down or the world ends.
Because of the format, its up to you guys how you go. If the course turns into a texas deathmatch, the judges will do their best to watch as much as possible, but some stuff might get missed. It will be RAD though!
Also, the event is to be covered by The Reason Magazine and we will have filmers and photographers literally everywhere, so as well as winning STUFF, we can make you famous for snowboarding dangerously.
Stomp something extra gnarly to win a special spot prize. we have Lobster boards, hoodies and tshirts, dalikfodda hats and tshirts and some awesome Vans product and 32 outerwear! Do something lame to win a scotch egg or a porn magazine (a copy of forty plus, kindly donated by jamie nicholls).
The top rider over the whole night will win the "best tranny 2012" award, which is likely to be a shit 80s trophy in fake gold and marble. DAMN!!
They will update the event over the coming days as we have some even more extra special stuff planned, so watch this space for extra prize categories for EUROCARVING and hopefully getting a band on the snow during the event.
Check out the event page on Facebook Here...
Monday, 9 July 2012
Ken Block's Gymkhana 5...
DC and Ken Block present Gymkhana FIVE: Ultimate Urban Playground; San Francisco.
Shot on the actual streets of San Francisco, California, GYM5 features a focus on fast, raw and precise driving action. Filmed over four days, director Ben Conrad and his team are back to work on their second Gymkhana production and delivered the entire city of San Francisco as Ken Block's personal gymkhana playground. DC Shoes also provided fellow DC athlete and longtime Ken Block friend, Travis Pastrana, to make a cameo appearance on his dirtbike, and S.F. resident Jake Phelps of Thrasher Magazine fame also makes a cameo as Block hoons S.F. in his most incredible Gymkhana yet.
Shot on the actual streets of San Francisco, California, GYM5 features a focus on fast, raw and precise driving action. Filmed over four days, director Ben Conrad and his team are back to work on their second Gymkhana production and delivered the entire city of San Francisco as Ken Block's personal gymkhana playground. DC Shoes also provided fellow DC athlete and longtime Ken Block friend, Travis Pastrana, to make a cameo appearance on his dirtbike, and S.F. resident Jake Phelps of Thrasher Magazine fame also makes a cameo as Block hoons S.F. in his most incredible Gymkhana yet.
DC shoes,
ford fiesta,
gymkhana 5,
ken block,
rally car
Street league skateboarding latest..
If skateboarding is your thing, then you have definitely been keeping up to date with SLS, If not then here is what your missing.. Some of the worlds best skateboarders on some of the worlds best arenas..
Heres the edit from the practice session...
And now Check out what went down in yesterday's Street League Skateboarding DC Pro Tour Ontario Qualifier! After qualifying 1stNyjah Huston will skate in today's Finals, while DC's Mikey Taylor (Official), Matt Miller, and Chris Cole all advanced to the Semi Finals. It's going to be another great day of skating!
DC shoes,
Milton Keynes,
SNO park,
SNO zone,
street league skateboarding
Summer of love launch Mini edit..
Here is a mini edit from the 28th and 29th of Junes Summer of love launch night at SNO!zone Mk.
The 2 nights where great fun with 2 full slopes of park features.
This event was also the unveiling of The Nike Stairset rail which has made the journey down south from SNO!zone Castleford for a couple of months.
Butta the wax company where down providing riders
with a cheap wax of there skis and boards before they head
out onto the slopes.
They also brought down there Graffiti artists who gave the
riders a live art show though out the night spraying up
the summer of love piece which can be seen at the bottom of the slope
The Nike Stairset will be out for most of the summer and is currently open every day from 12pm till close for the Summer of Love Freestyle park everyday promotion.
So if you get a day off in the week and fancy a shred then come down from 12 everyday and practice your tricks on the stairs.
There will also be a few other smaller features out in the week.
This week we have a gas pipe and a flat box.
SNO!zone Milton Keynes Summer of Love Launch .. from Thom Boddington on Vimeo.
If you where down on the night check out Jools Smiths Flickr Page for the photos..
The 2 nights where great fun with 2 full slopes of park features.
This event was also the unveiling of The Nike Stairset rail which has made the journey down south from SNO!zone Castleford for a couple of months.

with a cheap wax of there skis and boards before they head
out onto the slopes.
They also brought down there Graffiti artists who gave the
riders a live art show though out the night spraying up
the summer of love piece which can be seen at the bottom of the slope
The Nike Stairset will be out for most of the summer and is currently open every day from 12pm till close for the Summer of Love Freestyle park everyday promotion.
So if you get a day off in the week and fancy a shred then come down from 12 everyday and practice your tricks on the stairs.
There will also be a few other smaller features out in the week.
This week we have a gas pipe and a flat box.
SNO!zone Milton Keynes Summer of Love Launch .. from Thom Boddington on Vimeo.
If you where down on the night check out Jools Smiths Flickr Page for the photos..
boarders boarders,
jools smith,
Milton Keynes,
nike stair set rail,
ollie dutton,
park plan,
parkshaper blog,
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Who's Afraid of The Park? Freestyle Coaching Evening at SNO!park MK.
Our freestyle ski and snowboard instructors will be on hand to encourage you to push your boundaries, creativity and technical riding to the next level. Dedicated beginner freestyle features will be out for you to hone your skills on and by the end of the session you’ll have those key tricks dialled.
SNO!zone sponsored riders will be supporting our freestyle qualified coaches providing crucial advice and inspiration stemming from years of competitive riding experience.
This awesome event will be taking place on Friday July 20th here at SNO!zone Milton Keynes and will run from 7PM to 10PM,
So book your place now! ADULTS £32 JUNIORS £25
Limited Spaces so book NOW!
The First 20 Prebooked spaces will receive a limited edition WHO'S AFRAID OF THE PARK tee shirt..
Thinking of coming along?
Check out last years edit from the evening first...
Heres the park plan for Thursday 19th and Friday 20th.

This week we sees the return of the Who’s afraid of the park
Freestyle coaching event at SNO!park.
So if your looking for some advice on your tricks or are new
to freestyle skiing and snowboarding and fancy giving it a go. Then this
evening of freestyle fun and games is for you.
The park is designed with all abilities in mind with a huge
choice of features. We have gas pipes both ride and side hit. Kickers and
But also for the more advanced we have the donkey kink rail
and The Nike Stair set Rail.
boarders boarders,
gazza andrews,
jools smith,
Milton Keynes,
nike stair set rail,
park plan,
whos afraid of the park
Monday, 2 July 2012
Penny Skateboards Edit..
Just found this online and had to post it.. Nicely shot and a great tune. Check it out.
What are Penny Skateboards??
What are Penny Skateboards??
Penny Skateboards
12 years experience in skateboard manufacturing has given me a strong appreciation for what it takes to make great quality skateboards. I’ve channeled everything I’ve learnt in manufacturing and design to come up with a high performance, long lasting, ultra fun plastic skateboard. From looking at any skateboard you can see whether its fundamentals are balanced. You can see it as each component comes together to make the final product and you can feel it under your feet and in your hands. And, it’s what sets Penny Skateboards above all the rest.
Each Penny Skateboard is built with the highest quality raw materials and fanatical attention to detail. Penny Skateboards are designed and built to look good, perform well, and exceed all your expectations. Penny Skateboards, since forever.
Ben Mackay
Ben Mackay
parkshaper blog,
penny skateboards,
This weeks park plan SNO!park MK..
This week at SNO!park MK we have the a square down bar and a
gas pipe at the top to start, Followed by a kicker and a rocket pipe which
share the same landing then moving down to a raised Y set of gas pipes which
will lead you to one of the end features the round bar or the raised orange
And of course on the other slope we have the two rookies features and The Nike Stair set Rail.
And of course on the other slope we have the two rookies features and The Nike Stair set Rail.
Milton Keynes,
nike stair set rail,
park plan,
parkshaper blog,
SNO park,
SNO zone,
The nike stairset rail
Ryan Sheckler Go Pro Edits.
Check out this pair of sick Sheckler Go pro Edits..
Ryan Sheckler has some of the coolest sponsors. He just added the amazing video camera system GoPro to his list. Check out this rad three minute commercial of Ryan skating New York City with GoPro’s latest camera.
What would you do with 50 GoPros at the touch of a button? Ryan Sheckler shares his idea: an epic run from the top of the Manhattan Bridge to the Lower East Side skate park in New York City.
Ryan Sheckler has some of the coolest sponsors. He just added the amazing video camera system GoPro to his list. Check out this rad three minute commercial of Ryan skating New York City with GoPro’s latest camera.
What would you do with 50 GoPros at the touch of a button? Ryan Sheckler shares his idea: an epic run from the top of the Manhattan Bridge to the Lower East Side skate park in New York City.
This weeks Summer of Love Features.

8 year old Will Gilmore board sliding his way down the Nike Stair Set..
Milton Keynes,
nike stair set rail,
SNO park,
SNO zone,
The nike stairset rail
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