The 2 nights where great fun with 2 full slopes of park features.
This event was also the unveiling of The Nike Stairset rail which has made the journey down south from SNO!zone Castleford for a couple of months.

with a cheap wax of there skis and boards before they head
out onto the slopes.
They also brought down there Graffiti artists who gave the
riders a live art show though out the night spraying up
the summer of love piece which can be seen at the bottom of the slope
The Nike Stairset will be out for most of the summer and is currently open every day from 12pm till close for the Summer of Love Freestyle park everyday promotion.
So if you get a day off in the week and fancy a shred then come down from 12 everyday and practice your tricks on the stairs.
There will also be a few other smaller features out in the week.
This week we have a gas pipe and a flat box.
SNO!zone Milton Keynes Summer of Love Launch .. from Thom Boddington on Vimeo.
If you where down on the night check out Jools Smiths Flickr Page for the photos..
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