Happy new year! Hope you all had a good Xmas. Sorry for the lack of posts over Christmas I have been off making the most of the storm swells that have been battering the Cornish coast line and getting a great New years surf in..
This week at MK we have Freestyle night on Thursday night and the first Park Strife of 2014 this Friday from 7pm..
New for 2014 we will have selected features of the main park setup open on Fridays from 12pm-6pm, This will change every week and we will aim to have as much open as possible, We will then of course reshape these features ready for the evening session. So if your stuck for something to do on a Friday day time then why not head on down for a day time shred!

As well as having the park open on Friday days we will be trialing our new freestyle zone which will be setup on the top of the left hand slope. This will be a smaller set of features aimed at progression which will be
open Thursday-Friday-Saturday and Sunday 12pm-Close.