Last tuesday we took 20 tons of snow from SNO!zone MK chucked it in the back of a lorry and headed down to Earls court..
We met up with Mr Standing Sideways Damo doyle and together we shaped the dumped snow into a nice little quarter pipe landing all in promotion for the Metro Ski show at Earls court next week..

The aim was for a team of skiers and boarders to bomb drop from the earls court front entrance roof to the landing,
As you can see from the pics it all worked really well and hopefully some great shots will come from it..
The SNO!zone park team will be at the SKI show all week on the SNO!zone stand so why not pop over to say hi...
The weekend of the show we will be shaping a real snow tobogganing run out the front of the build so come take a look...
Earls Court Canopy Jump from Josh Birch on Vimeo.
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