Being a park shaper at SNO!park MK, you would of thought the job was pretty self explanatory. Come to work and design and shape the park…
This week though was a bit of an exception.
We had a pretty busy week in the park this week, We had our monthly SNO!fresh student event on Wednesday afternoon, Which meant the park needed to be pushed and shaped on Monday and Tuesday.
So Monday Night myself and Jack got all the features into place and Dan pushed all the snow for us in the kat.
Tuesday Morning jack and myself rolled up to work in the morning to be told that we where needed to help shift some snow to the front of the building.
So we loaded up a trailer with the snow using the snow blower and headed to the front of the Xscape building.

That was one job down for the busy week.
Wednesday we started the day getting the park ready for SNO!fresh.
With the park all ready, myself and jack where asked to help out with an interview.
Neither of us where too sure what we had to do or say but we agreed and went to meet the film crew.
They where from a local college, they where filming for a project to make a children’s TV show, and had chosen snowboarding as one of there topics.
We got the initial interviews out of the way with me and jack feeling and must have been looking pretty awkward. Bet the footage is really funny.
Then a taught one of the film crew to snowboard whilst they where filming.
I think they just wanted the guy to fall over to be honest.
Thursday was another shaping day in the park as usual, with an evening of coaching some of the SNO!zone sponsored riders, this week was Bex and Skyla, who both killed it.
Skyla hasn’t been riding freestyle very long, as she has been working on boarder cross riding, but this week killed it by facing her fears and hit up some of the biggest rails she has hit so far.
Friday is usually a reshape day in the park , getting the features back up to scratch for Friday night shred night, but this week I was asked to help out at a local school assembly.
The Theme for the assembly was extreme sports and my job was to present all the certificates and trophies to the winners.
So as you can see a park shapers job isn’t just to shape the park for Freestyle nights and events, there is always plenty more to be done.
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