The Latest happenings from your local Snopark Team... @thomparkshaper @neilparkshaper

Monday, 5 August 2013

The 8th and 9th August at Snopark MK.

Here is the park plan for this Thursday and Friday evening from 7pm at Snozone MK.
On the left hand slope we have the smaller park features which will also be left out for the weekend.
At the top we have a gasser and the rainbow box, then moving down we have a small kicker and to finish the line the flat box and pole jam.

On the right hand slope we have the main park features consisting of the table from the picnic bench the round bar and a black gasser.
Then we have the donkey kink, drop down flat boxes and another gasser.
We then have the shotgun down rail next to a rocket pipe and the big flat box.

To end the line we have the raised up orange pipe and the square bar down rail.


  1. How is the snow for the park tonight?

  2. It's much better than last week. Has been running pretty quick and is holding together nicely.
